Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/404

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"I am forgotten, not a tear doth fall,
Memory no more my image shall recall
  Or mourn my doom;
Nature's impartial hand alone doth strew
My silent bed with tears of crystal dew
And sunbeams slanting rifted cloud-drifts through
  Deck my lone tomb.

"I am forgotten, fragile flowers of yore,
Choked by the weeds, gave the brief conflict o'er,
  Nor left a trace;
Farther each year my tidal wave recedes
From memory's shore, but no one heeds
Or calls to mind my long-forgotten deeds,
  Lost form or face.

"I am forgotten, yet from my still bed
I hear the names of the illustrious dead
  In deathless song;
Often these eyes on honor's scroll have gazed
Where deathless eulogies triumphant blazed,
Alas! to pass unhonored and unpraised
  From out the throng.

"I am forgotten, Fate's austere decree
Marked out for mine that dreaded destiny
  To be forgot;
My little day of hope and fear is done,
I lie unnoticed now from sun to sun _
And wail from thy lone depths, oblivion,
  Remembered not."

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