Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/443

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Not as a king, oh! not as a king,
To His glorious presence He bids you bring,
Costliest incense and gold to buy,
Favor and peace at His throne on high.

Hearken, who comest with kingly tread!
Listen, who bowest the crowned head?
On him alone hath the Saviour smiled,
Who came unto Him as a little child.


"All is well!" The watchman's cry
Breaks the midnight's slumbrous spell,
And the answering words reply:
"Twelve o'clock and all is well!"
Undisturbed the City sleeps,
Unalarmed by clanging bell;
Every gust of wind that sweeps
Echoes sweetly, "All is well."

All is well, no dread alarm
Breaks upon the midnight quiet,
Warning of impending harm,
Fire or theft or drunken riot;
Oft the midnight hour has heard
Cries for help and danger's knell,
But to-night the passing word,
Says at midnight, "All is well."

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