Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/456

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That burns on its altar no incense of love.
I come, lo I come, with the message of peace,
With sunlight and gladness, with music and smiles;;
I come to bid woe and despondency cease,
I come to strew beauty o'er earth's barren isles!

Even death shall be glad with the promise of life,
And peace her millenium reign shall begin;
Sad farewells and partings with hope shall be rife,
When the lamp of true Happiness burneth within.
Come home, sad repiner, by life's tempest tossed;
Oh! not to despair was the spirit designed."
At the door of the heart knocks the angel we lost,
And with roses of bliss is her scepter entwined.


"They are beautiful," said mamma, pointing to the starry skies;
"Heaven is way up there," said Charley, lifting two great solemn eyes.
"Yes," said mamma, speaking softly, "but we cannot see it now;"
"We can see the bottom of it," Charley said with thoughtful brow.
What a thought of childlike wisdom
Baby Charley's words expressed,
Now we only see the bottom, sometime we shall see the rest;
If the earthly glimpses given be so beautiful, when wide
Swing the golden gates of Heaven, what will be the other side?

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