Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/462

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I have come from the mountain's rugged path,
Where my weary feet have trod;
I have come from the mountain's cloudless height,
Where I walked alone with God.
I have come to the dark, dark valley now,
Where the river rolleth near;
I have felt its dew, damp on my brow;
But there is no river here.

I said: "Roll on, dark river, roll on,"
When I felt it drawing near,
"Roll on, roll on, dark river, roll on,
With Jesus, I cannot fear."
But the valley's gloomy night is gone
And there is no river here.

For One, there is in the valley dark,
Who bade the waters divide;
And I'm safely, gladly passing now,
Dry shod, to the other side.
I have no chilling flood to brave,
No perilous bark to steer;
There's a lamp of light in the valley dark,
And there is no river here.

I said: "Roll on, dark river, roll on,"
When I felt it drawing near,
"Roll on, roll on, dark river, roll on,
With Jesus, I cannot fear."
But the valley's gloomy night is gone
And there is no river here.

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