Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/526

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Could I but trace one star of hope
On Heaven's high scroll, on Fear's cloud omen
Through Faith and Reason's telescope,
Life's darkened future to illumine;

Could I but stamp one fadeless thought,
On everything in God's creation;
Could I but teach one lesson taught,
To kindle nobler aspiration;

Could I but write one living truth
On human hearts to glow forever,
The zeal of manhood, age and youth
Inspiring with a new endeavor.

I'd write in starry rays, I'd blend
The one great hope that's worth the giving,—
Dust unto dust is not the end,
But life to life the end of living.

Dust unto lower dust consigned,
Life unto higher life ascending;
The past—forever left behind,
The future, vast—unending.

Behold the crowds of earth pass by,
One common groveling aim pursuing;
To strive, to gain, to love, to die,
One hour the plans of years undoing.

Poisoning souls and intellects,
That but immortal food can nourish,
On thought's decay and love's frail wrecks,
On hopes and aims that stand and perish.

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