Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/533

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When the last sunset ray has faded from
Life's troubled wave,
And earth and sky and yearning sea are dumb,
That once a solace gave;
When midnight darkness gathers very near
Life's little shattered raft,
And lips are chilled to silence with their fear,
That in the light have laughed;
When a great wreck of wordly hopes and aims
Looms up behind and we drift out alone
No help to find,
Then, then the sinking Soul will realize
The need of a great God to hear its cries.


You, who call transient absence trial to you,
Who count a Christian's death earth's deepest grief,
Let me declare to you a heart's belief:
That those are sorrows growing restful, sweet,
With the advance of time;
But there are woes
That wear and scar and rend the heart anew,
Each day, or week, or month, or fleeting year,
They look from eyes that shed no healing tear,
They draw the patient lines 'round silent lips,
And freeze warm blood from heart to finger tips;
O living sorrows! Would that I could hush
You all to sleep, and let the worn hearts rest,
As peacefully as do the Christian dead,
With all their sadness to the sun,
Carved on cold stone and silence overhead.

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