Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/79

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'Midst those scenes of Eastern splendor
Thy ancestral race began—
Where the night of heathen darkness
Spread abroad its withering ban;
  Yet no spot of man's transgressing
  Could thy purity defile,
  Looking heavenward for each blessing,
  Saintly lily of the Nile.

Did they view thy purer glory
With their darkened minds unawed?
Did they learn of thee no lesson
Of the power and love of God?
  Like a spotless, white-winged angel
  Sent to them untouched by guile,
  Did they spurn thy glad evangel,
  Spotless lily of the Nile?

O, could they have looked from Nature
Unto Nature's God alone,
Would they not have scorned to worship
Images of wood and stone?
  Would they not, thy beauty seeing,
  Have looked up in faith erewhile
  To the God who gave thee being
  Matchless lily of the Nile?

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