Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/139

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I feel my immortality—my heart
Answers the sacredness of all around—
The charm, the fascination of the scene,
And reads, delighted, evidence of God.
On seraph wings my thoughts have burst the bound
Of this low earth, and past those sinning orbs,
Have traversed that wide ether, to the throne
Of Him, the living one—have seen the array
Of hosts angelic, who, in raptured state,
Bend then- blest brows to hail him—have drank in
Immortal music, tones divinely sweet,
Attuned to praise—have heard, in awed delight,
Voices I loved on earth as seraphim,
Hymning his goodness—ever, ever on,
In deeper, holier cadence—and, inspired
By sudden adoration, I have knelt
Beyond those radiant bands, at mortal's distance,
To the Incomprehensible, and burned
To be an angel too, and learn his will,
And do his high command, and traverse heaven
Upon the wings of an unwearied love!
Presumptuous musings—yet beheld perchance
With tenderness and pity, by the Power
Who breathed the aspirations in our breast
For all the bright and beautiful—for good