Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/146

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And every heart confessed thy power,
With reverence thy young virtue saw,
And hailed thee in thy youthful hour,
Thy dignity,a guide—a law!

No shining wings adorned thee then,
And yet the angel trace was there,
As, mingling with thy fellow-men,
Thou walked as heaven's immortal hen.

Yet oh! replete with human love,
And words of tenderest human power,
Among us didst thou gently move
As if unconscious of thy dower.

Thy mission done, thou also passed,
Yet not till o'er our souls was shed
A vision and a love to last
Till memory and till life he fled.

Our mortal gardens blooming shine,
As Eden's fair and glorious bowers
And though we see no forms divine,
We bless each spot where thou wert ours.