Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/154

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In doubt—in danger—thus we see
She kindles up her generous flame,
And points us to Eternity,
The glorious source from whence she came.

She leads the fainting spirit there,
From scenes with earthly anguish full;
And heaven's high hope becomes more clear,
And life itself more beautiful.

Oh! guide us on, oh! light us still,
Oh! shield us through this vale of tears;
Om- hearts with hope and patience fill,
And soothe to peace our closing years.

We will not ask a lengthened day;
Another hour we would not live,
Than while thy smile should bless our way,
Thy voice its touching comfort give.

Thy hand shall close the drooping eye,
Thy trust shall still the throbbing breast,
And thine shall be the latest sigh
That wafts us to the realms of rest.