Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/165

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I saw the waters, as bright they lay
In the lovely calm of a summer day,
The fair blue sky shone clear above,
All nature breathed of peace and love;
And near me there were radiant eyes,
As calm and clear as those summer skies.

And gladly I gazed on the flowing tide,
For those I loved were at my side;
The sun in glory and splendour shone,
And proudly the vessel glided on;
And softly the distant landscape played,
In its varying hues of light and shade.

And my heart was glad—short time passed by,
And again did the white-winged vessel fly
On the evening gale—and I was there,
But alas! the scene was no longer fair;
The eyes and the smile I loved were gone,
And I sat and gazed on the waves alone.