Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/175

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The holy words on the air arise,
And hushed are that mother's anxious sighs;
Her thoughts are filled with a deeper faith,
As she turns to hear what the preacher saith;
And every doubt has vanished away,
As in fervent trust she kneels down to pray.

Her child and his fate—oh! what does it seem,
Now, in that holier and sweeter dream?
What loftier destinies are given,
That feeble thing is the heir of heaven;
And a mind, with powers and talents sublime,
Is given to her training—for more than time.

Oh! as she hears of immortal doom,
How changes upon her cheek the bloom;
How earnest her prayer to Him who gave,
For aid to help her, to succour and save;
What a sacred trust she feels is hers,
What a deathless hope in her bosom stirs!

It is over—her pledge is borne above,
And her lips have sealed that rite of love;
Her tears have attested her heart's deep vow,
And smiles of affection are round her now.
She has promised to give him a Christian's trust,
She has raised her thoughts from the things of dust.