Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/182

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Shall God in vain unfold the scroll,
All radiant with his own bright will;
And years on years unheeded roll,
While human hearts are recreant still?

O better far the silent grave
Should shrine at once our broken trust,
And the dark weeds should o'er us wave,
To shroud our perished souls in dust.

Yes, better darkness, grief, and doubt,
And deep obscurity within,
And life each heavenly hope without,
Than that that light should shine on sin.

It shines—it shines, and every heart
Shall stand exposed to that pure test;
Oh! guard that high, that virtuous part,
Which shields with peace the Christian breast.

So shall not on thy soul have shone
Each hope of loftier power in vain;
And though the joys of earth be gone,
The gates of heaven shall be thy gain.