Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/205

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That far dark grave! oh! her heart was there;
In vain all nature was bright and fair;
For dearer to her was that one dim spot,
By all beside despised, forgot;
And she sighed to think, as her tears fell fast,
That upon that grave she had gazed her last.

But she raised her eyes to the evening star,
As it beamed in its placid light afar,
And a hope as bright to her heart returned,
And with deeper and holier thoughts it burned;
For to her that signal seemed to say,
That her night of affliction should pass away.

And she hailed the signal, and checked her sighs,
And opened her heart to the melodies
That softly breathed around, above,
And touched her griefs with a heavenlier love;
And she thought with rapture to meet him there,
And nature again looked bright and fair!