Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/223

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And the presumptuous vision I resign,
The harvest wait from other hands to see.
Yet, take thy task, the voice again replied,
The feeblest instruments can do his will;
And that one talent, which thou mayst not hide,
May even yet thy Master's work fulfil.

In chains and darkness Peter slept,
Round him the weary soldiers lay;
A light across the prison swept,
A brightness brighter than the day;

An angel stood—and Peter's side
Instant he smote, and called, Arise!
Sudden the close-bound chains divide,
And fall—he lifts his wondering eyes.

His hands are free—the spirit said,
Take up thy garment—follow me;
And awe-struck, trembling, Peter fled,
Even as he saw the angel flee.