Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/30

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Yes! He whom thou hast served so well,
To glory inaccessible
Now wings thy radiant flight;
Thy patient cares, thy tears are o'er,
And his own hand doth now restore
Thy youth—for ever bright!

Amidst that bliss, from that pure throne,
Spirit beloved! ah! once look down
On these thy children here;
With pitying eye behold their loss,
And mark them humbly take their cross,
And check each faithless tear.

In thy meek footsteps bid them walk,
At"dewy eve" still with them talk,
In nature's melodies—
Let each fair flower, each fragrant scene,
Recall the spot where thou hast been,
With memory's fondest sighs.

Ala yes! be with us still—still guide
The loved ones fostered at thy side,
Reared by thy tenderness—
Thy wisdom calm, thy heavenly faith,
Thy patient love, preserved till death,
Shall still protect and bless.