Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/50

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The glories which through life had shone,
In ev'ry scene to guide him on,
Came with then pure, immortal glow,
To shine upon his dying brow;
And the deep, grateful love he bore
His God, sustained him in that hour.

He past in calmness and in faith,—
Oh! are we thus prepared for death;
And tranquil could we hear the call,
Which asks us to surrender all,
And, in the prime of our career,
Meet the cold grave without a fear?

Oh! let us humbly turn to Him
Whose word can make the bright eye dim,
And with a sudden touch, a blight,
Chase every feeling of delight—
Who, ere one chill night-breeze has past,
An early death can o'er us cast.—

To Him, who in that darkest hour
Still o'er us spreads his shield of power,
In all we fear, and all we prove,
Still shrouds us in his arms of love,
And makes that last sad season bright
With visions of eternal light!