Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/62

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Long years have past—ah! happy bells,
Once more ye ring—hut change is there—
Your mournful peal with anguish swells
The heart of that once joyous heir.—
Sad is your sound; the loved of years,
The smiling bride—the dearer wife,
Unconscious lies—while his warm tears
Are pouring from his bosom's strife.

Your lengthened notes—your solemn peal,
Speak of bereavement, sorrow, death;
No longer may those notes reveal
A soul of joy in every breath.
Weeping, he lists your altered tone
At distance die upon the air;
The kind, fond heart, so late his own,
No more his vacant horn may share.

Yet once again, changed bells!ye sound,
And to the holy aisle ye call;
With heart subdued, and thought profound,
He hears your solemn accents fall—
Bright hopes,fair dreams, there for him wait,
Yea, an eternity of love!
Ah! sweet once more, despite of fate,
He hears your angel summons move.