Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/99

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She prays that a father's love will shrine
His opening youth with a trust divine;
That the world, in its varied forms of ill,
May never his guileless bosom fill;
But, all unsullied, the heavenly flame
May return to Him from whom it came.

Oh! more and more earnest that mother's prayer,
As her sighs are breathed on the midnight air;
Her own sad fate she has all forgot,
The unkindness that wounds her daily lot,
The neglect that leaves her to weep unknown,
Oh! her heart is full of her child alone.

And the prayer is heard—it is traced above,
In the glowing light of a mother's love;
A few short days—she must fade and die,
And the baby will heed not her farewell sigh;
But when she is laid in her youthful grave,
That prayer will have power to soothe and save.

O human love! what a load it would be,
Fearful and sad, to cherish thee,
In a world where all things lovely fly
The delighted gaze of the dreamer's eye,