Page:Poems Howard.djvu/110

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I 've learned, by dear experience,
My duty now—and here's
My latest vow—forever hence,
To shun "the cup that cheers."

Per favor of my haunting muse,
This "wail of woe" I've penned,
And trust your goodness to excuse
The freedom of—A Friend.

Helping the Poor.
A comely Hoosier maid was she,
Bewitching, fair, and adipose;
In anecdote and repartee
Amusing, witty, and verbose.

A package came to her address—
We opened it by candlelight—
Whose contents we but dared to guess,
While she declared "'twas dynamite."

But, no; in smiling rows there lay
The masterpiece of dental skill,
As we supposed, in every way
Designed according to her will.