Page:Poems Howard.djvu/25

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  They were strangers to me,
  And no words could I say,
But I thought all at once of my flowers—
  How often they'd driven
  My sorrow away,
And brightened my loneliest hours.

  So I gathered the loveliest
  Blossoms I had
To send on their mission of love,
  And wondered if she
  Could look down—and be glad—
From her beautiful mansion above.

  My flowers spoke for me,
  And touched a heart-chord
That thrilled in responsiveness true;
  And echoed the joy
  That became my reward
That the "mission of flowers" I knew.

A Dream.
How strange! it seems but yesterday
I clasped thee to my ardent heart!
And now, a thousand leagues away
Beyond the swelling seas thou art.