Page:Poems Howard.djvu/36

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An ancient custom lighted
The glowing "yule-log" fire—
Tis ours to add the beauty
Of holiday attire.

Through gorgeous windows peering
On gayest festal scenes,
The urchin ponders over
His slender stock of means.

In huge bazaars, resplendent
With treasures rich and gay,
Mammas select the presents
For which papas must pay.

Each home a rich museum,
Aladdin's palace is;
Its hidden wealth provoking
Untold anxieties.

'Tis said, "It is more blessed
To give, than to receive!"
O let us prove the maxim,
And know what we believe!

"The poor are with you always!"
He wins a diadem
Who, of his Christmas largesse,
Reserves a share for them.