Page:Poems Howard.djvu/71

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And each succeeding moment brings
The light of gladness on its wings:
While, seemingly, there hovers near
An angel-form, my heart to cheer.

Footsteps, accustomed long to roam,
Have found, at last, their wished-for home;
And in contentment, tread the way
From which they may not, dare not stray.

O, may my life be e'er imbued
With joy that comes from doing good:
And in thine all-embracing care
Keep me, my Father, is my prayer!

The Church of the Good Shepherd.
Beyond the smoke, beyond the sound
Of crowded habitation,
With gables quaint and steeple crowned,
It stands upon a rise of ground
Of charming situation;
And city folk as Christians found,
With rural dwellers miles around,
Make up the congregation.