Page:Poems Howard.djvu/79

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Under those columnar trees
May not aborigines,
Sachems of their dusky clan,
Pow-wow counselors, have let
Hatred of the pale-faced man
Circumvent all peaceful plan—
Or their malice to forget
Smoked the fragrant calumet?

Native traders may have come
Bartering wampum-shells for rum—
Or in lieu of ready cash
Tendered baneful nicotine;
Drinking from the calabash
Fire-water, making rash
Promises that sequel-seen,
Proved them treacherous and mean.

Here our sires beneath the sod—
Blest reposure!—"rest in God";
So we read upon the stones
Crumbling, leaning out of place,
Moldering like sepulchered bones,
Tottering like terrestrial thrones,
While the saints whose names we trace
Stand before the Father's face.