Page:Poems Howard.djvu/83

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It seems as though a bird had flown,
And its forsaken nest
Is that sad home, so brief a time
By her sweet presence blest;
But, sorrow-stricken and bereft,
To Heaven we raise our eyes,
Where she, with angel plumage on,
Now sings in Paradise.

The clays are so long and so dreary to me,
In solitude wrapped like a pall,
I wish Heaven would send me some comforting friend,
Who would lovingly answer my call.

My heart is o'erburdened with sorrow and care,
My life is enshrouded in gloom;
I would that some light from that Heaven so bright
My desolate way would illume.

I thought, in the happy, bright days of my youth,
This world was made only for me;
But how changed it appears now, as seen through my tears
How gloomy and sad it would be.