Page:Poems Howard.djvu/91

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The bright mid-day of all the year—
Its radiator—now is here,
Arrayed in hues of deepest dyes;
Oh, for the power to crystallize
Into an icicle, and cling—
A humid, pensile, cooling thing—
To some old roof-tree while July,
In burning splendor, passes by!

The Shepherds of Judea.
O favored people! just as bright
The halo round their name to-day
As when they watched their flocks by night
While in the manger Jesus lay;
When from the skies an angel-throng
Looked down upon the wondrous scene,
And in exultant, choral song
Awoke the hills of Palestine.

These shepherd-men exemplified
True kindliness in word and look;
And called their sheep unto their side,
And in their arms the lambkins took
So gently that beyond a doubt
As loving, tender hearts were theirs
As ever poured their fullness out
In honest, earnest, humble prayers.