Page:Poems Kemble.djvu/107

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a lament for the wissahiccon.
    And all the way
    They murmuring say:
    "Oh, child! why art thou far away
    Come back into the sun, and stray
    Upon our mossy side!"

I may not go, I may not go,
To where the gold-green waters inn,
All shining in the summer sun,
And leap from off the dam below
Into a whirl of boiling snow,
Laughing and shouting as they go;
   I must stay here
   In prison drear,
Oh, heavy life, wear on, wear on,
Would God that thou wert done!

The soft spring wind goes passing by,
Into the forests wide and cool;
The clouds go trooping through the sky,
To look down on some glassy pool;
The sunshine makes the world rejoice,
And all of them, with gentle voice,
   Call me away,
   With them to stay,
The blessed, livelong summer's day.