Page:Poems Kemble.djvu/155

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works published by henry washbourne.

PROGRESSIVE WORKS for Young Children, with Engravings on Wood.

VERT LITTLE TALES for Very Little Children, in Single Syllables of from 3 to 5 Letters. In two series, square 16mo. is. 6d. each, cloth and lettered.

PROGRESSIVE TALES for Little Children, in Words of One and Two Syllables. Two series, square l6mo. 2s. each, cloth and lettered.

The above, forming the Young Child's Library, are of a moral and religious tendency, combining instruction with amusement, and are peculiarly adapted to the capacities of children of from 3 to 5 or 6 years of age. N. B. The type is large.


PLAIN INSTRUCTIONS for Every Person to MAKE A WILL; with Forms of Bequests, Tables of Duties, &c. Cloth gilt, 2s.

"Boast not thyself of to-morrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."

PLAIN GUIDE to EXECUTORS and Administrators, Guardians, &c, showing the Duties of their Trusts, and how safely to perform them; the Requisitions of the Stamp Office, as comprised in the several Acts respecting Legacies, &c. 2s. 6d. cloth gilt.

PLAIN Laws of WILLS, EXECUTORS, GUARDIANS, &c. Cloth, lettered. 4s. 6d.

PLAIN ADVICE to LANDLORDS, Tenants, Lodging-House Keepers, and Lodgers; including the Law of Distress, Dilapidation, Fixtures, New Law of Ejectment, &c.; the Powers of Tax Collectors and Parochial Authorities. Price 1s.

"It contains a good deal of useful, practical information in a concise form, unobscured by legal technicalities.—There is an excellent Summary of the Law of Distress."—Times.

PLAIN Guide to the Law of MASTER and SERVANT, Apprentices, Journeymen, Artificers, and Labourers, with Abstracts of Combination Acts; Arbitration of Disputes between Masters and Workmen, and on Regulating Mills, Factories, &c. Price 1s.


PLAIN FAMILY LAW ADVISER, &c. &c. Thick 18mo. cloth lettered, price 6s.

N. B. As there are "base imitations' of the above, the Public are cautioned to ask for the exact Title as above, and published by Wa6H bourne, which are carefully corrected to the present time.