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Sir Walter Scott's Life, Novels, and Tales, Poetical and Prose Works.

THE WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT, comprising his NOVELS and TALES, POETICAL and MISCELLANEOUS PROSE WORKS, with his LIFE by Lockhart, forming 98 vols., illustrated by nearly 200 engravings, ALL EARLY PROOFS on INDIA PAPER-by TURNER and our first Artists; published at 35l., is now offered at 20l. cloth, very elegant.

———The Waverley Novels, the best Cabinet Edition, with 96 engravings after Turner, &c., 48 vols. small 8vo. cloth lettered, published at 12l.

———The Poetical Works, complete (with the Author's last Introduction and Notes), uniform with the above, containing 25 engravings from Turner's designs, 12 vols. small 8vo. cloth lettered, published at 3l. is now offered at 2l. 5s.

———The same, with 55 LANDSCAPE ILLUSTRATIONS by Finden, &c., in addition, making 60 engravings: 12 vols. cloth lettered, is offered at 2l. 10s.

———The Miscellaneous Prose Works, 28 vols. cloth. lettered, with 56 engravings; published at 7l., is now offered. at 5l. 10s., cloth and lettered.

———Life of Sir Walter Scott, by Lockhart, with 20 engravings: 10 vols. small 8vo. published at 2l. 10s., is now offered at 2l. cloth and lettered.

THE WAVERLEY NOVELS, complete, with the last Introductions by the Author, together with the whole of hist Notes and additions, with VIGNETTES and fine ENGRAVING from Greenshields' STATUE of SIR WALTER SCOIT, and a Glossary; 25 vols. ELEGANTLY BOUND IN CLOTH, richly and emblematically gilt, with the ARMORIAL BEARINGS of SIR WALTER, and other suitable DEVICES: published at 52.

———The same, ELEGANTLY HALF-BOUND MOROCCO, full gilt backs, in the same style as the above, with marbled edges.

FINDEN'S LANDSCAPE AND PORTRAIT ILLUSTRATIONS TO SIR WALTER SCOTT's Works, 160 Engravings, early impressions, with Descriptions, 4 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, gilt, 2l. 10s. Published at 8l. 8s.

LANDSCAPE HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS of the WAVERLEY NOVELS, containing 108 beautiful ENGRAVINGS, with Descriptions, Historical and Anecdotical; in 2 vols. imperial 8vo. (published at 2l. 2s.) is now reduced to 1l. 5s., very handsomely bound in cloth, gilt (a very few copies.)