Page:Poems Kimball.djvu/166

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DEAR Lord, this day is so unlike
The day I feared that it would be!
I wonder much, I said last night,
What it will bring to me.

What does it mean,—this haunting dread?
What added sorrows wait me more,
And o'er my trembling spirit spread
Their shadows thus before?

I seemed to stand upon a brink,
Yet could not see the gulf below;
It dizzied me to try to think,
As with some coming blow.

Dear hands I saw on either side
Reach out as for a final kiss;
And clasping each o'er each I cried,
Not this one, Lord; not this!

I cannot bear one parting more;
By heart is at the point to break:
As if Thou didst not know before,
Dear Lord, to Thee I spake.