Page:Poems Kimball.djvu/268

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    THE cool, bright days,
The calm, bright days,
   With their liberal-hearted noons!
     The clear, still nights,
     The restful nights,
   With their greasing harvest-moons;
And the ghostly rustle of withered corn
Plucked of its ivory ears and shorn
Of the floating fringes that tossed and swayed
When the ripening summer zephyr played
Through the ranks that shone in the summer morn—
     The beautiful corn!

  The golden days! the golden days!
  Warm with sunshine and dreamy with haze;
Warm with the sunshine and cool with the breeze!
   Like troops of tropical butterflies
  Clouds of leaves from the gorgeous trees
     Flutter and fall,
  And cover the earth with splendid dyes
  Matching the marvels of sunset sides.