Page:Poems Kimball.djvu/319

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Count the stitches and halve them now,
And one half set in a single row,
And back and forth outside and in
Knit the heel on the single pin.
Hush-a-bye, Baby, Grandmother sings;
Hither and thither the cradle swings.

Knit it long and narrow midway
To round it; and bind it off, as we say;
Take up the loops on either side
And add a few more to make it wide.
Hush-a-bye, Baby, Grandmother sings
Hither and thither the cradle swings.

Now each side narrow or slip and bind,
To shape the instep, as you will find;
Then knit straight on till you near the toe;
This is the way the foot must grow.
Hush-a-bye, Baby, Grandmother sings;
Hither and thither thee cradle swings.

Then narrow once more and narrow away,
Toeing it off, as knitters say.
There is a stocking fit for an heir!
Now knit the mate for he must have a pair!
Hush-a-bye, Baby; when you are grown
Your feet may be worthy to climb to a throne!