Page:Poems Kimball.djvu/50

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Are sealed to many a scholar great and wise,
But to the children of the Kingdom yield
The priceless treasures even on earth revealed.
Fair and more fair behold the place appear
As to the holiest our feet draw near;
Each least detail how beautiful to trace,
And learn the moulding touch of Heavenly grace.
See, too, how oft the varied cross we find,
That pleads on every hand, Leave all behind.
Three steps again ascending seem to say,
Thus must the pilgrim mount the Heavenward way;
By faith, hope, charity,—these three;
The last is first; the chiefest, charity,
Whose one supremest height He reached alone
As Man who only could for man atone.
As unto Christ both Priest and Sacrifice
The earth's wide ends must turn their countless eyes,
So on the altar all the temple waits;
Here vision centres, worship culminates.
To this His shrine the Church adoring brings
Her richest gifts, her choicest offerings;
Her tribute gold, her myrrh of penitence,
And in her praise the precious frankincense.
And ever on "the altar trimmed aright"
She tends with loving care each typic light,
The God, the Man, unceasing to proclaim,
While the mid-cross declares His saving Name.