Page:Poems Larcom.djvu/165

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She asked for men; and up he spoke, my handsome, hearty Sam,
"I 'll die for the dear old Union, if she 'll take me as I am."
And if a better man than he there 's mother that can show,
From Maine to Minnesota, then let the nation know.

You would not pick him from the rest by eagles or by stars,
By straps upon his coat-sleeve, or gold or silver bars;
Nor a corporal's strip of worsted, but there 's something in his face,
And something in his even step, a-marching in his place,

That could n't be improved by all the badges in the land:
A patriot, and a good, strong man; are generals much more grand?
We rest our pride on that big heart wrapped up in army-blue,
The girl he loves, Mehitabel, and I, who love him too.