Page:Poems Larcom.djvu/268

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the chamber called peace.
Like an Eye fondly glowing, a Heart overflowing,
The sun, proud and tender, lit up with full splendor
  The chamber called Peace.

In that white, wayside dwelling, one pilgrim was swelling
  Her heavenward lay.
The strength of the mountains, the joy of their fountains,
  Had gladdened her stay:
The pine-trees' deep sighing, the wind's low re- plying,
  For her soon would cease;
But a holier singing the angels were bringing
To her dawn-lighted chamber, all whiteness and amber,
  Her chamber called Peace.

O, joy was it, staying where angels were playing
  The sweet airs of heaven
To one blest immortal, whose rest at the portal
  Half open, was given.
While we, scarcely grieving, awaited her leaving,
  Her hour of release,