Page:Poems Larcom.djvu/28

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hannah binding shoes.
  Fair young Hannah,
Ben, the sunburnt fisher, gayly woos:
  Hale and clever,
For a willing heart and hand he sues.
May-day skies are all aglow,
And the waves are laughing so!
  For her wedding
Hannah leaves her window and her shoes.

  May is passing:
Mid the apple boughs a pigeon coos.
  Hannah shudders,
For the mild southwester mischief brews.
Round the rocks of Marblehead,
Outward bound, a schooner sped:
  Silent, lonesome,
Hannah 's at the window, binding shoes.

  'T is November,
Now no tear her wasted cheek bedews.
  From Newfoundland
Not a sail returning will she lose,