Page:Poems May.djvu/132

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That flits betwixt me and the light of life,
Alighting never.
Alighting never. Oh, sweet chrism of God!
Oh, balm and oil by Heaven's white ministers
Laid with a blessing on the gates of sense!
Baptismal font from whence our bodies rise
Regenerate! cool, way-side shadow flung
Over the paths of toil! I am athirst,
Fevered and weary of my own worn self;
Strengthen me with thy strength!
Strengthen me with thy strength! Lo, where she stands.
Sleep, the beloved, and mocks me with her beauty!
Her hands lie clasped around a lamp alight
Burning faint incense; from her zone unbound
Dark folds trail silently; the poppies wreathed
Above her temples, bursting, over-ripe,
Drop with her motion. She is fair and calm,
And dreams, like cherubs, with bright restless wings
Cling to her sweeping robes. Let her draw near,
Laying her dewy lips upon my brow,
Twining me with soft movement in her arms,
And there shall pass a fluttering through my sense,