Page:Poems May.djvu/245

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I will stretch myself part over thee,
These thin rags scarcely cover thee.
  Oh the night, the night is fearful!
    Bitter Christmas!

Yes, the nights are very fearful,
    Now 'tis Christmas.—
I keep thinking of other days,
Of our Christmas hearth in a blaze,
Of the sweetest time in my life,
When I'd been one year a wife,
  And thou wert a baby, dearest!
    Happy Christmas!

I was only a baby then,
    On that Christmas—
Thou wert only a babe at the breast,
But the sweetest, dearest, best!
Thy father might weary of me.
But how could he stray from thee?
  Boy, he has left us to perish!
    What a Christmas!