Page:Poems May.djvu/250

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That rested in the valleys, knew her step
And fled not. From the oaks' broad canopy
The birds sang ever louder as she passed.

All her glad life was poetry. She hymned
The Sun at morn and wept for him at eve.
She climbed the mountain precipice to give
The eagles messages, what time they beat
Their wings against the brazen dome of noon.
The waves her bridegroom kissed baptized her brow,
The flowers he warmed were hid within her breast.

Noon had lain down among the harvest fields,
The reapers were gone home. Amina there,
Prone amid flowers, her clasped hands on her brow,
Talked to the cumbrous shadows.
Talked to the cumbrous shadows. Cloud on cloud
Rolled to the west and melted at its verge,
And left a dome of dusky azure, where
Evening seemed busy spinning her thin web,
Though it was noon. Whence fell the shadowy sadness?
Over the pools the trees hung motionless,