Page:Poems May.djvu/266

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Her cheek grew pale at my approach,
Grew sudden pale and flushed again.
Nor might she long6r bide my touch
Upon her flowing bridle rein.
Where woods are dark and waters chime,
Another's step with hers kept time;
And where along the valley glooms
My hand had checked her palfrey's pride,
Gay cavaliers with floating plumes
Came lightly riding at her side.

I waited in the chapel aisle,
'Twixt morning-mass, and noon:
The organist in the organ loft
Played a sweet piping tune.
The noon-lights, crimson-stoled and soft,
Went gliding up the sacred pile,
From nave to altar solemnly.
And the golden cups on the chapel shrine,
Seemed brimmed with sacramental wine;
And I could almost see