Page:Poems McDonald.djvu/131

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Unfurl the blood-stained banner free,
To float above thee far and wide;
And let thy watchword ever be,
In good or ill, "Christ crucified!"

Watch, for thou know'st not of the time
Thy Lord will come with mighty power—
Whether at day's unsullied prime,
At early dawn, or midnight hour.

Go forth undaunted—ever bear
A fearless heart, when danger springs;
For Oh, remember, thou dost wear
The armour of the King of Kings!

Fight the good fight—thy steady aim
Shall make the vengeful foe despair;
Go forth in thy Redeemer's name,
And be thy weapons Faith and Prayer.

Go forth—fulfil the work begun—
Forsaking earth, and earth's renown—
Then rise from death, the conquest won,
To wear the victor's fadeless crown.