Page:Poems McDonald.djvu/147

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ten years ago.
The idol in the temple of her soul,
The radiant star that in her cloudless heaven
Beamed with a light above its fellow stars.
She had hung proudly on his gifted words,
When others deemed she scarce had heard their flow.,
Or drank, as from a fount of purest wave,
The gushing love poured on her ear alone.
Ah! she had prized the gift too far above
The bounteous Giver—garnered up her love
In a clay casket—leaned upon a reed
Frail as a willow-twig, yet breaking, pierced
The heart which clung to it. And God had known,
How at an altar consecrate to Him,
She burned sweet incense for a mortal shrine,
And now to draw her spirit heavenward,
Severed the golden chain which bound her here,
And placed her idol nearer to Himself,
To lure her onward to the better land.