Page:Poems Merrill.djvu/109

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Come hither my children. Sue, Archie, and Nell
And listen to me as a story I tell
How "once on a time," in the mist and the fog
Was a poor ragged boy, and a little brown dog.
The dog, while at play, fell from a high bank
Into a dark pool—and down, down it sank.
To escape it endeavor'd, but slow was its speed,
For the treacherous mud did its progress impede.

But the folks passing by took no heed of him
Excepting to say—"Just see the pup swim!"
Or, regardless of all save their own worldly pelf—
"It is only a dog—Let it care for itself."
Till a poor ragged urchin with pitying eye
In passing that way the poor dog chanced to spy.—
Quickly thrusting a stick within reach of its jaws
It clung to it, and, with the aid of its paws

Reached the top of the bank, with a loud joyous yelp—
Ah! none but this boy had offered it help!
Then he took it up kindly, 'neath his jacket to hold
To protect the poor creature, now shivering with cold.