Page:Poems Merrill.djvu/114

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Dennis O'Neil fell asleep one day
And he dreamed from this life he had passed away
And went to Heaven, where, at the Gate
'Mong other pilgrims, he had to wait
'Till came his turn to ask for grace
To pass through the gates of that Holy place.
At length the vast throng ceased to flow—
A few entered the gate—the rest went below—
And he found himself waiting where others had been
'Till St. Peter should come and usher him in.
Soon he heard the sound of hurrying feet
Echoing out from the pearly street;
And, looking up, his eyes behold
Not the Saint—but a friend of the days of old.
With joyful smile they meet, embrace,
And tenderly gaze in each others face.
"Why Pat, old friend, so it appears
You, too, have left the 'Vale of Tears'
No more to dwell mid scenes of woe
And the din and strife of the World below.
How is it, then, do you think that I
Can gain admittance if I try?