Page:Poems Merrill.djvu/134

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Then with a sigh both turned away—
They felt somewhat—perhaps
One like the 'Russians' at bay—
The other like the 'Japs.'—
The morning dawned with azure skies,
And then the workmen came;
Brad Damon and another man
Sir William Brown by name.

They saw the sand, and then one spoke—
(The other followed suit.'
What tarnal fool done this, d'ye spose?
I vum, I'll bet 'twas Lute!"
The other answered, "I've no doubt
'Twas him, but see these tracks—
Now you don't spose dew ye, they
Resemble Danville Jack's?"

"Oh, no, taint Dan—I know 'tis Luteȁ
To reason this appeals:—
These tracks look like an Elephant
While Dan's got Nigger heels!"
Then exclamations volleyed forth,
With laughter long and loud;
Just then Geo. Record's silvery voice
Came ringing through the crowd: