Page:Poems Merrill.djvu/147

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He will harness his fleet footed reindeer
To the sleigh, and away he will flee,—
And eagerly on, he will hasten
To bring you this message from me!

Though this has no value, excepting
The love it contains in its fold,—
Yet, love that is true and unfading
To me is more precious than gold.
So, when you shall weigh in Worth's balance
The gifts you receive on this day;
Surely mine will not be found wanting,
For Love will be sure to out-weigh.

Were I sure, that, receiving this missive
You should feel just one pang of regret
That I cannot be with you this evening,
It would fully repay me, and yet
I know you'll transmit one thought message
To me, from afar o'er the plain;
While the sweet bells of Christmas are ringing
And telling their story again.

While the sweet bells of Christmas are ringing
In accents of joy and of praise;
For the Babe in the manger, so blessed,
As they rang in the dear by-gone days,—