Page:Poems Merrill.djvu/45

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The house-wife came with smiling face,
Bearing in her hand a broom;
With thoughts intent, and puropse bent
On clearing up the room.
She spied an object on the floor,
Ne'er dreaming what it was;
But close inspection soon revealed
Its tail and head and claws!

What was the sound that pierced the air—
Was it an Indian's yell?
Or a wandering note from some demon throat
From amidst the depths of—somewhere?
Oh, no! of a different origin
Were the tones that smote the air,—
'Twas only a frightened woman's scream
As she mounted on a chair.

Oh dear! Oh dear! she had seen a mouse!
And it entered not her head
It would never, never do more harm
For the poor little thing was dead.