Page:Poems Merrill.djvu/60

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So he hopped from the tuft of grass to the tree,
Then up where the branches divide;
Then with a grin he crawled along
And perched by the blue-jay's side.

"I'm big as you, I'm big as you'
Cried the frog in greatest glee;
"I wish my friends could see me now—
In this high society!"—
But his joy waned.—As a flock of jays
With one accord did rise
And, swooping down, they pecked at him
With harsh and jeering cries.

'Till he was forced to quick retreat.—
As the rushes green he seeks
He said, as he leaped in the quiet pool
And escaped their cruel beaks:—
If this is the way the 'high class' treats
The lowly ones, 'tis clear
'Tis best that we should be content
To stay in our native sphere!