Page:Poems Mitford.djvu/31

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My Sybille, come!" Prophetic fears
The maiden's gentle bosom move;
Her azure eyes are dimm'd with tears,
Tears soon dispell'd by mighty love!

No more she turns; to Mitford's tow'rs
No more her ling'ring footsteps stray;
Lightly she trips through Bothall's bow'rs,
Ting'd by the parting beam of day.

There in the virgin's chapel fair,
By Wansbeck's swiftly-flowing tide,
The holy father blest the pair,
And Albert clasp'd his blushing bride.

'Twas night, and darkness veil'd the wood,
Save where the silver moon-beam shone,
Danc'd upon Wansbeck's rippling flood,
Or kiss'd the chapel's holy stone,