Page:Poems Mitford.djvu/48

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And bid each opening bud impart
Some lesson, to the female heart,
And now, with nobler visions fir'd,
By friendship's holy zeal inspir'd,
At her pure altars, lo! you bend,
To her poetic vows ascend,
For her you tune the warbling string,
Her triumphs and her joys to sing;
And emulate the classic fame
Of Rogers' and of Campbell's name.

Lov'd friend of childhood's early day,
Still deign to guide my devious way!
What, though I fondly strive in vain
Like you to frame the polish'd strain;
Though no bright rays of genius fire,
But faintly breathes the trembling lyre,
Yet be your bright example mine!
And lead my steps to virtue's shrine!